Blockchain: The Wheel of Crypto Industry

If you’ve been following banking, funding, or cryptocurrency over the last five years, you may be familiar with “Blockchain”, the record-keeping technology behind the network of Bitcoin. And there is a good opportunity that it only makes so much sense. In order to learn more about blockchain technology, you have probably come across words like this: “blockchain as distributed, decentralized or public ledger”. The best thing is that blockchain is actually much easier to acknowledge than that definition sounds. What is Blockchain? If this technology is so multiplex, why call it “blockchain”? At its most initial level, blockchain is just a chain of blocks, but not in the traditional manner of those words. When we use the word “Block” and “chain” in the context, we’re actually referring to the digital information that is stored in a public database. Blockchain vs. Cryptocurrency The concept of Bitcoin is built on blockchain. The creator of Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto referred to i...